E-dossier #7. In the early 1960s, a group of Indigenous Papuans tried to exercise their right to self-determination and were ultimately denied. This e-dossier will present the Papuan independence movement from 1960-1962 based on primary sources from Western governments. It will explain the strategies and claims of the Papuans, their international achievements and will introduce some of the diplomatic obstacles […]
An act of no choice: the “integration” of Timor-Leste, 1976
E-dossier #6. An act of no choice – Sporting Club, Dili, 31 May 1976 On 31 May 1976, the Sporting Club in Dili hosted a controversial ceremony in which a handful of Timorese legislators selected by the Indonesian-imposed “Provisional Government of East Timor” petitioned unanimously for annexation by Indonesia. On 31 July, Indonesian president Suharto accepted the petition and declared […]